Nextcloud est le leader sur le marché des technologies de synchronisation de fichiers et de collaboration en ligne. L'entreprise met à profit son expertise afin de combiner la commodité et la facilité d'utilisation offerte par des solutions grand public telles que Dropbox et Google Drive sans compromettre vos besoins en matière de sécurité, de confidentialité et de contrôle des données.

Digital Imaging for Medicine in Nextcloud

In the last months, Aysel Afsar Ozkan integrated a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) viewer in Nextcloud, making it available for medical professionals to review Radiography or Tomography images easily and, more importantly, securely.
Digital Imaging for Medicine in Nextcloud

Introducing DICOM

DICOM is the international standard to transmit, retrieve, store, print,...

Valentine’s day: we love Free Software!

Valentine’s day: we love Free Software!
It is that time of the year again, a day to profess love. And we’d like to join in. As community, we’re collaborating and producing privacy protecting software under a set of licenses which lets us work together in a transparent, open and efficient way! This was a central reason for why we started Nextcloud, and why it was possible in...

Android app 3.0 with end-to-end encryption, Oreo, login wall detection and more

Android app 3.0 with end-to-end encryption, Oreo, login wall detection and more

Nextcloud Android app v3

The Nextcloud Android app v3 delivers Android 8 Oreo support, End-to-end Encryption, much better handling of local and remote files, many fixes for the auto-upload and much more in over 180 pull requests reviewed and merged over the last months. It is now available on the app store and you can wait for the automatic update...

The issue with Public Cloud

One question a lot of people ask us is:

Is it a bad idea to store corporate data on Dropbox?

Or: Should I store my company’s data on consumer grade public clouds like Dropbox, Google Drive or Office 365, among others? There is a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t use such tools to share your corporate (or private) data – here’s...

Cloud privé collaboratif

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Cloud privé collaboratif